Nassau County NICE Bus
In Nassau County we used our survey expertise for their NICE Bus (Nassau Inter-County Express) Title VI survey project. This included:
- Translating surveys into 7 languages
- Creating a navigation plan to efficiently cover routes
- Managing criteria precisely
- Providing a comprehensive in-depth survey analysis,
including data charts
We were tasked to complete several surveys that would provide critical data and ensure the system was delivering to all customers as needed. This included riding the buses with the passengers, engaging with riders, and asking them to complete a customer survey. We were challenged by the holiday season, the weather, COVID-19 safety concerns, and overall current affairs with people’s lives and circumstances. Being tasked with such a critical and meaningful project was an honor. The many hours of riding, surveying, and living this project over the course of 5 weeks is all a part of what makes Mjach unique. “People First” has always been our mission! You can read more about our rewarding experience with riders by downloading our “People First: Rider Experiences” brochure.

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Hudson Link (New York)
RTA (New Orleans, LA)
AVTA – Antelope Valley Transit Authority (California)
Charm City Circulator (Baltimore, MD)
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Baltimore City Parking Authority
Water Taxi Harbor Connector (Baltimore, MD)
Harbor East Shuttle (Baltimore, MD)
MTA Metro Card (MD)
Baltimore City Dockmaster
Mjach Designs is a Certified Minority, Disadvantaged and Women’s Business Enterprise (MBE/DBE/WBE).