Charm City Circulator
In Baltimore City we provided comprehensive branding, marketing, route and mapping signage and materials, website, mobile app, and customer service for the Charm City Circulator during its inception and in the years that followed. This project included:
- Branding: Logo design, bus graphics, bus stop pylons and signage, route maps
- Marketing services
- Managing installation of bus graphics and city bus stop pylons
- Managing printing of various marketing materials
- Maintaining route maps
- Website & Social media start-up and ongoing management
- Mobile App design
- Managing advertisement space for buses and route maps
- Event planning & management
The work we provided for the Charm City Circulator was unique in that it was a brand new, free system, being brought to the City of Baltimore. New, hybrid buses that the city had never seen in the city, with services that ultimately extended into several routes throughout the city, including the Water Taxi Harbor Connector. It was a groundbreaking concept to provide a necessary transportation to anyone in the city that needed it. We helped get it off the ground over a decade ago, and it’s still running today!

More Transportation Projects!
Hudson Link (New York)
Nassau County NICE Bus (New York)
RTA (New Orleans, LA)
AVTA – Antelope Valley Transit Authority (California)
Yellow Cab (Baltimore, MD)
Baltimore City Parking Authority
Water Taxi Harbor Connector (Baltimore, MD)
Harbor East Shuttle (Baltimore, MD)
MTA Metro Card (MD)
Baltimore City Dockmaster
Mjach Designs is a Certified Minority, Disadvantaged and Women’s Business Enterprise (MBE/DBE/WBE).